In our lives every one of us struggles for one common thing- to be happy, to be at peace. We want it in terms of money, fame, career, family and etc. But, sometimes we fail to realize that happiness is not defined by all of these because if it was then, there wouldn't be people in the world today having all the money and fame in the world and still committing suicide. So how does one attain such peace of the mind? The key to that is by being grateful.
You should be greateful for all the blessings Allah(swt) has given you because Wallahi, there are thousands of people around the world who dosen't have what you have. There are people who don't have houses to live in, families to greet, they don't have proper clothes, food or even water. People are dying everyday out of hunger, poverty and sickness, while you go on with your life being able to sleep in a comfy bed under a protected roof, being able to have proper cooked meals and clothes to wear. Do really think these are not blessings from Allah(swt)? Why has Allah(swt) blessed you with a home and not those people? How are you any different from them? When you ask yourself these questions and start counting your blessings you will start noticing what Allah(swt) has given you even though you don't deserve it and this will help you be more greateful. This is the best way to be happy, and to appreciate what God has done for you.
You should be greateful for all the blessings Allah(swt) has given you because Wallahi, there are thousands of people around the world who dosen't have what you have. There are people who don't have houses to live in, families to greet, they don't have proper clothes, food or even water. People are dying everyday out of hunger, poverty and sickness, while you go on with your life being able to sleep in a comfy bed under a protected roof, being able to have proper cooked meals and clothes to wear. Do really think these are not blessings from Allah(swt)? Why has Allah(swt) blessed you with a home and not those people? How are you any different from them? When you ask yourself these questions and start counting your blessings you will start noticing what Allah(swt) has given you even though you don't deserve it and this will help you be more greateful. This is the best way to be happy, and to appreciate what God has done for you.
A few simple ways to start off are by:
This will help you acknowledge and appreciate even the little things in life and trigger the emotion of gratitude.
▼ Focusing and reflecting on the people who don't have what you have
Narrated by Abu Huraira (R.A), The Prophet (PBUH), said: "Look upon one who is below you in status. In this way you will not look down upon the grace of that God bestowed upon you." (Bukhari and Muslim)
If you ask any expert on how to be happy they'll tell you pretty much the exact same thing the Prophet(PBUH) said. Because when you look at those above you, you will never be satisfied with what you have. You will always want more and the reality is, there is always going to be someone who has more than you.
▼ Expressing your Gratitude to Allah(swt) with good deeds and prayers
Allah(swt) says in the Qur'an:
"And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.' " (Qur'an 14:7)
The key to success is this life and the hereafter is being grateful to Allah(swt) for everything, even for the things and situations that you don't go your way.
Narrated by Abu Abbas Sahl Bin Sa'ad Al-Sa'idi (R.A): A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and requested him: "Messenger of God (PBUH), tell me something by which I could win the love of The Almighty and the people." The Prophet told him,
"Do not love the world, and The Almighty will love you; and do not have a longing for that which people have, and they will love you."' (Ibn-Majah)
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